Eighteen months prior to this project, the Department of Justice implemented the intranet transformation strategy.

We reviewed its effectiveness in terms of the information architecture, content and governance as well as how successful digital media uptake was by staff.

The outcome of the review enabled the department to develop and prioritise initiatives for further enhancement and additional productivity and staff engagement benefits.

The review included:

  • Identifying, interviewing, and workshopping with key staff to assess current satisfaction and prioritise gaps
  • Conducting a high-level review of existing content, features and information architecture
  • Conducting an online staff survey to identify current and potential uses, issues and content gaps
  • Assessing the effectiveness of existing controls and governance
  • Making recommendations on the intranet’s current effectiveness, priority actions and recommended future governance
  • Providing benchmark and best-practice examples to support recommendations and findings.

The review identified improvements which would deliver high quality content consistently, encourage greater use of collaboration tools and spaces, fix known access and search function issues and implement an effective governance model to achieve a best practice intranet.

Eight key recommendations and prioritised actions for each recommendation were proposed to improve its current effectiveness for staff. These recommendations and actions are summarised in the following diagram.