An interactive, accessible and user-focussed website design was built for the QILT website to enable and encourage users to easily and quickly find and compare student experience data.

The Australian Government Department of Education required a revised QILT website that would provide students with the information they most value when selecting a higher education institution.

A new design was developed using a responsive/adaptive approach to provide an optimised interface that was scalable across a wide range of devices and particularly focused on:

  • Usability – simple and quick access to information
  • Attractiveness – targeted look and feel
  • Load time considerations – optimizing design elements to ensure the website can be viewed on a desktop PC, tablet and mobile phone
  • User friendliness – easy navigation
  • Compliance – ability to meet WCAG 2.0 AA rating
  • Compatibility with browsers – IE9, Safari, Firefox and Chrome.

The designs encompassed development of designs to represent complex tables, charts and a widget for comparing institutions and study areas across all Australian institutions.

The development report was derived from the following research:

  • Review of relevant documents provided by the client
  • Google Analytics data
  • Expert user-focused research to develop the wireframes
  • Expert design to interpret the wireframes and design the web pages
  • Collaboration and review by the client’s project team
  • Online testing and validation of designs and wireframes using Chalkmark and SurveyMonkey
  • Recommendations for improvements to the wireframes and designs (following online user testing).

User testing was also conducted for branding and design purposes to ensure the site has a clear, unique and distinct identity.